Sharing Best Practices in Fundraising
The Role of Faith in Philanthropic Giving to Africa
The conversation will explore how faith and spiritual/religious values drive charitable giving; why is giving to Africa important; and how faith-based organizations and individuals go about deciding where and to whom to give.
July 14, 2021
Faith is often a motivating factor in giving. Research shows that individuals who are religiously affiliated are more likely to make a charitable donation. For members of the African diaspora, faith often influences their decision to give back to the home continent. London School of Economics Fellow Edward Edemolu, PhD, in his research, underscored the impact of how “religious identities and ‘narratives of faith’ all play a role” in diaspora engagement in philanthropy.
The conversation will explore how faith and spiritual/religious values drive charitable giving; why is giving to Africa important; and how faith-based organizations and individuals go about deciding where and to whom to give.